Antivirus and Antispyware Software: The similarities and differences

Antivirus and antispyware programs work pretty much in the same way, the difference being the type of malicious file and pattern the program scans your hard drive (including the system registry) for and detects. Today some antivirus programs include antispyware protection, and vice versa. While dual purpose and all-in-one software has its advantages, most industry experts still agree that for optimal protection, computer users should invest in both a good antivirus and a good antispyware program.

Preventive maintenance tips:-
>>Always keep your programs and antivirus up-to-date.
>>Install an antivirus and antispyware program that automatically scans for viruses when the system boots.
>>Update the virus/spyware definitions daily to ensure your system is protected against the latest threats.
>>Do not download any file from the internet unless you are certain the source is not transmitting a virus to you, or the files are spyware free.
>>Do not any storage media that has been used in another computer unless you are certain the other computer is free of viruses and will not pass the virus on to your system.

Never open email attachments from people you don't know; and don’t open any file attachment that ends in ".exe", all downloaded files should be scanned by your antivirus application before you run or install it.