Internet Security - Key Steps

1. Your approach to internet security should begin with a risk assessment. If you don't know what threats are likely to be posed to your IT systems and networks, and their potential effects on your business should they occur, then you are not in a position to put in place a series of measures to counter these threats.

2. An effective antivirus solution is absolutely fundamental to the security of any computer network.

3. Equally, a firewall is one of the most basic security mechanisms and should form an integral part of your internet security defenses.

4. However, antivirus solution and firewalls are only of value if they are regularly updated. The range and scale of internet threats is constantly changing and in order to address these it is vital that you ensure that your antivirus software and firewalls are fully patched and up-to-date. Ideally, this should be carried out automatically in background mode.